Martin’s first book is called “The REAL Truth about Balancing Your Prescription with Complementary Medicines”. It’s a compelling and insightful look into the health secrets that Martin has discovered in his work with tens of thousands of patients, in his pharmacies and at his Nutrition Medicine Clinic.
This book exposes the hidden truth about relying solely on prescription medicines - how this can rob you of your energy and vitality, creating even more illness and cheating you of your quality of life.
If you or anyone you love is taking a prescription medicine, you must read this book!
To download your FREE e-copy, click the button below. To purchase a hard copy, click here.
"“Martin, thank you for your invaluable nutritional medicine expertise. We have all loved reading your book ‘The Real Truth about Balancing Your Prescription with Complementary Medicines’. We’ve had numerous requests to purchase more copies for family and friends post conference.”
- Angela Thompson, Chairperson, Auckland Regional Enrolled Nurse Section, New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO)