About Nutrition Medicine

We Believe
At Nutrition Medicine, we believe that the body is designed for wellness and vitality. When things go wrong, Nutrition Medicine looks at the whole picture - prescription medicines, diet, supplements, and lifestyle - to identify the true cause of the illness, and return the body to its natural state of radiant health.
This is wellness from the best of both medicine
worlds - conventional and complementary.
About Nutrition Medicine
We Believe
At Nutrition Medicine, we believe that the body is designed for wellness and vitality. When things go wrong, Nutrition Medicine looks at the whole picture - prescription medicines, diet, supplements, and lifestyle - to identify the true cause of the illness, and return the body to its natural state of radiant health.

This is wellness from the best of both medicine
worlds - conventional and complementary.
Why Nutrition Medicine?
Nutrition Medicine is about bringing together the best of both medicine worlds - conventional and complementary.
In a broad sense, conventional medicine tends to focus on fixing or alleviating specific issues or diseases. It’s based on centuries of knowledge and research by incredibly smart and dedicated western medical practitioners, and is generally extremely effective at saving lives and curing disease.
Complementary medicine, broadly speaking, tends to be more holistic, promoting wellness throughout the entire system, including mental and emotional wellbeing as well as the physical body. Complementary medicine draws on medical knowledge and systems from around the world, indigenous understandings of the body and methods of healing it, as well as modern science and information on metabolic pathways, neural physiology, and the wellness connection between body, mind and heart.
It’s no secret that historically, suspicion and hostility has flowed (in both directions) between the conventional and complementary medicine ‘worlds’.
It’s easy to see and to understand why this has been the case. But we believe that it’s time to move past that - to focus on the vitality and wellness that every person needs and deserves. The key to unlocking that wellness is by combining the best of the conventional and complementary medicine worlds.
When conventional medicine is used to address a specific disease or issue, there are often side-effects for other systems of the body. Complementary medicine can help to alleviate those symptoms, by (more) gently supporting and enhancing the metabolic pathways that are needed for overall health and wellbeing. Likewise, where conventional medicine might quickly relieve a symptom or alleviate discomfort, complementary medicine might more slowly address the underlying cause of the problem, leaving the body in an overall state of better health. We’re not suggesting that you choose one or the other. We’re saying that you can have both - since why on earth wouldn’t you want to have that cake and eat it too?!
How Does it Work?
Around 55% of people regularly take a prescription medicine - and most of them take more than one. Since the body is a holistic system, these drugs can have a wide range of side-effects. Some side-effects are short-lived, such as drowsiness, nausea, and skin irritations. Some, such as internal bleeding, are more serious. All are symptoms of the body’s systems being compromised.
Being unwell is already a sign that your body’s metabolic processes have become compromised. Taken as a whole, the last thing your body needs is to have its systems further compromised by medicinal side-effects. But often, those medicines are necessary, if only for a short while.
Nutrition Medicine is the practice of bringing a person back to good health by restoring each of the compromised systems to its natural, healthy state.
Prescription medicines are involved for as short a duration as possible, with the support of a selection of diet and supplement based nutrients to support vulnerable body systems and help overcome any side-effects.
We also look at your symptoms, history and overall wellness, to identify the true underlying cause of your illness, and to restore any depleted nutrients and enzymes that are involved in your body’s compromised metabolic processes.
We can then devise a whole-person solution involving diet, supplements, and lifestyle choices, to treat the true cause of your illness and address any side-effects from your prescription medicines. In time, we’ll get you back on the road to radiant good health, so you no longer require drugs for support.