My parents have had pretty poor physical health since I can remember. My mum had Multiple Sclerosis and my dad had very severe arthritis.
Last week, I was talking to one of our patients in the pharmacy who was picking up medicines for her husband who has dementia. The stories she told me about how he is slowly disappearing (mentally) in front of her eyes really touched me. It was after that conversation that I started to appreciate the great mental health that both my parents had. It got me questioning whether it is better to get a physical illness or a mental illness.
I guess the real answer to this is neither. So what can you do to enhance your physical AND mental health?
I have written about the hugely beneficial role of nutritional medicine in physical conditions like arthritis. I even turned my own arthritis off through nutrition. Last month I wrote about how a ketogenic diet can reverse type II diabetes, and reduce your risk of getting cancer. The research is now suggesting that these same nutritional changes, can also greatly influence your mood, memory, behaviour, and many other areas that we class as psychiatric health. Sometimes a good diet can be enough. But sometimes we need to use larger doses (supplements) to get our brains back on an even keel.
Oxidative stress is a huge driver of damage in the brain. So you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out that antioxidants that enter the brain can protect the brain, and therefore prevent these conditions from developing.
For example, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant that can work in the brain. Studies of NAC
show it may be useful in:
– preventing or reversing age-associated memory impairment
– treating depression
– treating schizophrenia
– preventing Parkinson’s disease
– preventing brain damage after trauma (physical or emotional)
I have personally seen fantastic results at my pharmacy in people with severe anxiety when I have recommended NAC.
I guess the take home message I want to give you is that diet (and sometimes key supplements) are vital to keeping a healthy body and mind. If you need some help with nutrition supplements for your individual body and mind needs, then get in touch with us at Nutrition Medicine.